Decreased libido - Optimal Hormone Health Clinic

Decreased libido, or lowered sex drive, is a common concern that can impact relationships and quality of life. It's characterized by a lack of interest or desire for sexual activity. There are several potential causes: Causes

Both men and women can experience decreased or low libido. The American Sexual Health Association reports that this affects 30-50% of women at some point. It's not necessarily a disorder unless it causes distress. Treatments depend on the underlying cause and can include:
"At Optimal Hormone Health Clinic, our physicians specialize in identifying the root hormonal and nutrient imbalances behind libido issues like low testosterone. With customized hormone replacement protocols, high-quality supplements, and evidence-based lifestyle changes, many of our patients report rapid improvements in sexual desire, energy, endurance and satisfaction. Contact us today for a comprehensive evaluation of your hormone levels and nutritional status."
With an integrative approach focused on balancing hormones in addition to addressing lifestyle factors, decreased libido can often be significantly improved or resolved. The key is identifying the root cause through testing. Don't assume it's normal aging or that you just have to live with a low sex drive - there are solutions available once the underlying factors are identified. Reach out to a hormone health specialist like Optimal Hormone Health Clinic to get started!

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