Cholesterol levels - Optimal Hormone Health Clinic

What is cholesterol levels?

Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is found in all cells of the body. Your body needs some cholesterol to make hormones, vitamin D, and substances that help you digest foods. There are two types:

Your cholesterol levels are measured through a blood test. Healthy levels are important to reduce your risk for heart disease and stroke.

The recommended cholesterol levels are:

High cholesterol usually doesn't have any symptoms. That's why getting your cholesterol checked is important. Your doctor can help determine your risk for cardiovascular disease based on your cholesterol ratios and other risk factors like smoking, obesity, and family history.

Lifestyle changes like eating healthy, exercising, and losing weight can help optimize your cholesterol levels. If lifestyle changes aren't enough, medication may be needed. This is where Optimal Hormone Health Clinic can help! Their experienced physicians specialize in holistic hormone balancing treatments to get your cholesterol and heart health on track. Contact them today for a consultation.

Some key things that may affect cholesterol levels include:

In summary, knowing and maintaining healthy cholesterol levels reduces your risk for developing heart disease - the 1 cause of death globally. Work with your doctor, focus on lifestyle factors like nutrition and exercise, and consider advanced treatments from specialty clinics like Optimal Hormone Health Clinic when needed.

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